When it comes to quality and safety certifications for dietary supplements, NSF International is considered the gold standard. NSF International is the leading accredited third-party certifier of dietary supplements, functional foods and dietary supplement raw ingredients (ANSI-Accredited Product Certification Body - Accreditation #0216).
The NSF Certified for Sport® certification program helps athletes, coaches and trainers make more informed decisions when choosing sports supplements. The program is recognized by the NFL®, NFL Players Association®, MLB®, MLB® Players Association, PGA®, LPGA® and Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports®.
Certified supplements must meet rigorous standards that include comprehensive lab testing and extensive evaluation of the manufacturing process to ensure contaminated substances or hidden ingredients are not added to a product.
To learn more, visit nsfsport.com and visit our blog entry NSF Explains: Supplement Safety for Athletes to learn more about the NSF Certified for Sport® program.

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